Being short-staffed sucks sometimes. there was no one who was able to work the midnight to 8 am shift on Wednesday so I covered. I didn't have to, but my two supervisors would have had to work the shift. They would have divided it between the two of them. One has a baby under 2years and the other is a day person. So being the kind, wonderful person that I am, after only about 3 hours in the previous 36, I covered the shift. When I got home there was no dallying in going to bed and certainly no dallying in falling asleep. I don't remember much after laying my head down. Of course, this meant that the truck didn't get sold. I guess that's next Tuesday's work.
Having to work meant that my long weekend didn't happen. I'll be taking my time-in-lieu on June 4. I could take it in pay, but taxes always snag too much. I'd rather have the time off. I had already booked the time off and was going to use a vacation day to cover it. Now I don't have to. There are new staff coming on board soon, so once their training is complete I have a better chance of actually taking a sick day off rather than having to tough it out and come in. What a concept!
The truck got detailed on Tuesday. This was the reason I was so tired on the work shift I filled as I was unable to fall asleep on Monday night. This meant that the last time I'd slept was Monday in early afternoon. I took the truck to Caliber Home and Auto (they spelled Calibre wrong, they also do furnace duct cleaning) to get detailed. I took it there because it was the first one who could take the truck before mid-July. They did an awesome job. I'm sure there were things shining that hadn't ever shined in the time we owned the truck. As well, the windows were better than crystal clear. Not only were things shining, but the truck smells a whole lot nicer than it did before. I was always getting the odd whiff of cigarette smoke in the truck. No one smoked in it after we bought it, it was from previous owners. Now there's nothing but a pleasant, clean smell.
After the truck is sold (hopefully by Thursday next week) I'm getting my truck fully detailed, inside and out. I'm even going to have my engine washed. It's expensive, but betting the entire thing dome means: 1. I don't have to try to do that; 2. the leather seats will be conditioned, something that should be done anyway; 3. component parts get cleaned and reduce corrosion issues; 4. I don't have to try to get the last bumper sticker off my truck, they can do it. I think that's reason enough, not that I have to justify it, but a really good hand wax job will last a whole lot longer from the detailing shop than it does from a quickie touchless car wash.
I have decided to stop waxing off my mustache. I have a fine growth of middle-aged, post-menopausal facial hair under my nose. I had been waxing it off when I noticed it, but have since thought better of that. First off, it hurts. It hurts a lot. Don't let anyone tell you any different. Second, who the hell cares? I'll still pluck the chin hairs. They stick out and I don't like them.
On that note, I'll stop here.
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